Oil changes were often required in the past, but the recommended frequency has changed in recent years. Changing the oil often adds to the flow of money, waste of resources, and pollution. There can also be problems like using polluted or incompatible oil.
Automobile manufacturers have extended oil change intervals because engines run cleaner and synthetic oils have a longer life. Without Toyota, maximum vehicle manufacturers have expanded their oil change intervals. Adding the cost of unnecessary oil changes can add to the cost of driving. Find out how often you need to change the oil and how you can extend the oil change interval.

Why You Need To Extend Oil Change Intervals:
Changing your oil can be irritating, and doing it too often can harm your wallet. Increasing the interval between oil changes means you don’t need to go to the service shop more. This way, you can save money and labor costs for oil changes.
Additionally, oil is a non-renewable resource, meaning the world will one day run out of it. If you don’t change oil frequently, you can help to conserve oil as a resource. Also, you may help decrease carbon emissions from your vehicle.
Extended oil change intervals can be helpful to your car if you can do it effectively. Remember to consult the mechanical expert before extending your oil change interval, and keep the below tips in mind.
How Do I Extend My Oil Change Interval?
Let’s discuss below about this:
Follow The Owner’s Manual
Today’s oils have improved significantly over the past. They are capable of protecting the engine from wear while keeping emissions low. Due to synthetic oils’ long life, you don’t need to change the oil frequently. Synthetic oil gives you a long-lasting performance. Although oils can work more efficiently with car engines, most users need help understanding how often they should change their oil.
The old belief is that you must change your oil every 3,000 miles or every three months. Some car owners follow these oil change intervals religiously. Some owner’s manuals recommend short intervals for changing the oil. Unfortunately, many service shops get the opportunity to earn money for this tactic. But whether short or long, You should follow your owner’s manual properly. So in this way, you can avoid unnecessary oil changes.
Bypass Filter
Oil filters remove pollutants that make up your oil over time. If you unfiltered your oil, the particles will wear down of engine surface. Using an oil filter that meets the engine manufacturer’s specifications is good practice. A better approach is to install a secondary, or bypass, filter. Oil flows very slowly through bypass filters, which allows them to remove tiny pollutants.
For example, the Frantz filter removes tiny particles that pass through the OEM filter. It can reduce oil temperature and remove moisture from the oil.
Most oils can last 50,000 miles with a Frantz filter because it keeps your oil clean. Using a bypass filter, you should do an oil analysis every 25,000 miles to ensure the total oil base number.
Oil Analysis
Sending your oil for analysis is the best way to know the condition of your engine oil. Please discover the problems before they become headaches, and determine the perfect oil change intervals. With oil analysis, you can determine how many miles your oil can last before changing it.
FR3 Friction Reducer
FR3 Friction Reducer is an oil additive that helps increase lubricity and reduce the wear characteristics of your oil. FR3 can extend the oil performance in shear stability, film strength, and wear reduction.
An innovative synthetic PAO ester base is compatible with all diesel and gasoline engine oils and all conventional, semi-synthetic, and fully synthetic engine oils. You can use FR3 in any engine oil with any OEM full-flow bypass filtration system.
Increase Your TBN
TBN measures how much active detergent and dispersant additives are left in your oil. Although motor oil doesn’t run out of base oil, your oil’s TBN does decrease over time.
If TBN is less than five, your oil loses its adequate ability to neutralize acids and break down dirt. Once you pair it with quality filtration, the TBN booster will extend your thousands of miles your drain intervals.
You know it’s essential to maintain your car frequently to ensure ultimate performance. In the maintenance schedule, oil changes are one of the most important things you should pay attention to. But oil prices have increased dramatically in the past few years. That’s why users are becoming more price-sensitive. Though oil change is significant in time, for this reason, you should expend oil change interval.
With it, you can save time and money. But before you, extreme your oil change interval, consult your repair shop. It’s because you need to avoid your owner’s manual specification to remain profitable. That is why, before taking any decision, you need to get suggestions from any professional.
What Is the Synthetic Oil Change Interval?
To know your vehicle’s actual synthetic oil interval follow your car manufacturer’s recommendations. In particular, some people recommend around a 7,000-mile interval. Also, some people believe it’s best to go around 10,000 or 15,000 miles.
A study by GM found that a vehicle could go 17,000 miles between oil changes without significantly degrading the oil. Remember that the oil change interval is more important if you use your car heavily, like towing. Then, consider shortening the manufacturer’s recommendation a little.
Otherwise, extending the oil change interval when using synthetic oil is okay. Just make sure you use a premium oil filter developed for synthetic oil. These filters have a higher capacity to hold impurities and will have longer service intervals.
15w40 Oil Change Intervals
Engineers recommend implementing a regular oil analysis program to monitor oil and equipment life continuously. Additionally, it depends on the oil you use. Some cheap oils will change after 3,000 miles. Some good synthetics are perfect for continued use after 25,000 or more miles.
For example, ExxonMobil engineers recommended continued use of Mobil Delvac 15W40 motor oil, dramatically extending its oil drain interval. And the result is the Mobil 15w40 oil change interval can be extended by 20,000 miles.
Oil Change Time Vs. Mileage:
An oil life monitoring system can track if you need an oil change. The exception is if you use your car outside normal conditions, such as off-roading and frequently towing heavy loads. If your automobile is not equipped with OLM, how do you choose oil change intervals vs. mileage?

Oil change intervals provide you with two specifications: time and mileage. On the oil change window sticker, you’ll see the following service stated three months or 5,000 miles”. That means you have to take both figures into your consideration.
So, it can be regarded as “3 months or 5,000 miles, whichever comes first”. It’s not important how you track your oil changes; installing a new oil and oil filter at least once a year is crucial.
Final Word:
Extended oil change interval is economical and has a realistic payback for most types of cars. However, above, we give some essential tips to extend your oil change interval. Just use these tips and save your money because you may need less frequent oil changes. Always use the manufacturer’s recommended oil to extend the oil change time. Contact us to get more information and tips that you are looking for.
Read: Can You Change An Oil Filter Without Draining The Oil?